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Illinois State ID basics Guide
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Help ILAO open opportunities for justice content blockIn order to provide proof of identity, an Illinois State ID is a good option. This state-issued Identification card includes your picture, address, birth date, and basic information. To find a Secretary of State facility near you, visit the Secretary of State website. Unless you are an immigrant with legal permanent resident status, you are not required to carry an identification card with you. There is no minimum age for a state ID card.
It costs $5 if you are under 18 years old and $20 if you are over 18 years old to get an Illinois State ID.
Having this form of identification will help you to:
What papers are required to apply:
In some situations, the requirements for the ID are different. Learn about the requirements if you are experiencing homelessness or a youth in the care of DCFS.
If you are currently incarcerated or about to re-enter society from IDOC or IDJJ prison, these departments must assist you in applying for a state ID, including:
Starting in July 2023, the Secretary of State can issue you an ID before your release if you provide the required documents and application.