Are You Eligible for Social Security Disabled Spouse Benefits?

Find out when your spouse and children can receive dependent benefits while you get Social Security Disability and learn how the law defines dependency for stepchildren and non-adopted grandchildren to receive dependent benefits.

Updated April 3, 2024

The government provides Social Security benefits as financial assistance for retired, disabled, or limited-income individuals. This assistance may also be available to family members, such as current or former spouses or children, who meet the Social Security Administration (SSA) criteria.

We’ll explore whether you and your children are eligible for Social Security benefits and how much Social Security pays for spousal benefits. We’ll also address common questions, such as whether your spousal benefits start automatically, and discuss who you can contact if you need assistance.

Am I Eligible for Social Security Disabled Spouse Benefits ?

To be eligible for Social Security disability benefits as the spouse of a current recipient, you must have been married continuously for at least one year to the individual receiving Social Security benefits. Additionally, you must meet one of the following criteria:

If you obtain Social Security retirement benefits from your work, you are ineligible to obtain benefits as a spouse. For benefits to be payable, you can only have countable work earnings up to their maximum annual benefits.

As we explore options, you’ll quickly discover that understanding Social Security spousal benefits is critical to getting what you deserve.

If you earn below the limit for Social Security benefits, it may be advantageous for you to apply for benefits even if the government is paying benefits to children. However, total family benefits will not increase a spouse’s entitlement.

Entitlement on your earnings record could protect potential eligibility for a disabled surviving spouse’s benefits should their partner die before them.

Benefits Eligibility for a Divorced Spouse

If you are divorced and 62 or older, you may also qualify for benefits if:

Different from all other dependent benefits, the government can pay a divorced spouse’s benefits without the living wage earner entitled to Social Security disability or retirement benefits as long as:

These guidelines allow the divorced spouse to receive retirement-age benefits even if the wage earner defers retirement to age 70.

Additional VA Disability Dependent Pay
If you’re a U.S. veteran, learn how to add a dependent to your VA disability benefits, as they may be eligible for VA disability dependent pay.

Benefits Eligibility for a Widowed Spouse

Widowers, defined by the SSA as surviving spouses, are also potentially eligible for Social Security benefits. The amount of assistance provided to a surviving spouse is based on the deceased individual’s earnings. The following table shows the percentage available to surviving spouses in varied situations.

Available Benefits for Surviving Spouses

Surviving Spouse SituationPercentage of Worker’s Benefit Received
Has reached full retirement age100%
Is 60 or older, but not retirement age71½%-99%
Is 50-59 years old and disabled59%-71½%
Is any age and caring for a child under 1616%-75%

It is vital to know that while surviving spouses can receive benefits, there are limits for those who remarry. If you marry again before 60, you cannot obtain your deceased spouse’s benefits — after 60, you retain benefit eligibility. The age is reduced to 50 if you have a disability. Survivors can also opt to switch to their retirement benefits at 62.

In addition to Social Security benefits, a surviving spouse may be eligible for a one-time lump-sum death payment of $255. Those living with their spouse at the time of their death qualify. Otherwise, you must have already obtained benefits or became eligible when your spouse passed away.

How Much Does Social Security Pay for Spousal Benefits?

If the government approves a partner for Social Security disability payments on their earnings record, you and your children may also be eligible to receive dependent assistance up to 50% of your retirement benefit amount.

It is critical to understand that there are penalties if you withdraw Social Security benefits before your full retirement age. While emergencies and other scenarios may demand you to utilize funds at an earlier age, you will receive a lower percentage of assistance. You can calculate the effect of retiring earlier using the Social Security Administration’s Benefits for Spouses calculator.

Calculate your Social Security disability insurance benefits to confirm you receive everything you are eligible for when applying.

What Is a Family Maximum Benefit?

The family maximum benefit is the amount payable to any family member, including the benefit paid to you (called your primary insurance amount, or PIA). The government derives PIA and FMB from the disabled worker’s lifetime earnings.

If an individual’s past earnings are low, the FMB will equal the PIA disability payments paid to the disabled worker, and no dependent benefits will be payable.

To the degree that past earnings are high enough for the FMB to be more than the PIA, dependent benefits are payable, ranging from a few dollars up to 50% of the worker’s PIA per dependent.

Are Social Security Disability Benefits Available for Children?

Your children may be eligible for child support benefits. The Social Security Administration defines a “child” as your natural child, adopted child, dependent stepchild, and, in some cases, dependent grandchild.

Stepchildren can meet the stepchild status if they were born before the parent’s marriage to the disabled worker or conceived before and born after. Stepchildren can receive dependent benefits one year after the marriage that gave them stepchild status if they meet the financial dependency requirement throughout the year before one of the dates when:

What Is Dependency for Children?

Dependency is receiving at least one-half of support from the disabled stepparent. Rules regarding what is considered a contribution for support are detailed and extensive, but as a general rule, the contribution has to provide for basic needs versus contributions for special activities and the like.

For a dependent, non-adopted grandchild to be eligible for dependent benefits, the grandchild’s parents must either be deceased or disabled in the month that the grandparent becomes entitled to Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits or Social Security retirement benefits (or in the month when the grandparent’s period of disability began).

Non-adopted grandchildren must meet dependency requirements similar to those for stepchildren to qualify for child support benefits.

When Are Children’s Benefits Payable?

Children’s benefits can continue or start if a child becomes disabled before age 22. An application for childhood disability benefits payable for a disabled adult child can be filed three months before the child turns 18 if: