Gender Equality and Development +10 #AccelerateEquality

How can we support female entrepreneurs crossing into male-dominated sectors?


Gender Dimensions of Forced Displacement

Are men and women affected differently in times of forced displacement?

The World Bank Group’s year-long Accelerate Equality initiative explores the important progress made and lessons learned over the last 10 years in closing gender gaps and promoting girls' and women's empowerment, and drives for transformative change in the future. It provides an opportunity to showcase successes, learn, and develop ideas and further momentum for the future of gender equality and women’s leadership, while taking stock of remaining challenges and strengthening partnerships in the quest to #AccelerateEquality. Progress has been made, but is slow 10 years ago, the World Bank Group published the World Development Report 2012: Gender Equality and Development (WDR2012). Over the last decade, progress has been achieved in several key areas. Maternal mortality has decreased by around 10 percent, and girls’ enrollment in secondary school has increased by 5 percent. The Women Business and the Law index shows that women’s economic rights have improved, and there are now more women than ever before in national parliaments across the globe. However, progress has been slow in many important domains. Female labor force participation rates fall well below 40 percent in low-income countries. Significant gender wage gaps persist, and, in many countries, women are still clustered into sectors and occupations typically associated with lower profits, absence of work contracts, and lack of protection. The gender digital divide threatens women and girls’ access to quality healthcare, education, jobs, and civic participation. Women continue to be responsible for the bulk of child and elder care in the home, and remain underrepresented as leaders, especially at the highest levels. Globally, violence against women and girls' remains widespread. It is increasingly clear that gender-unequal social norms prevent women from becoming equal citizens, leaders, and agents of change. Such social norms prevent women from seeking wage employment outside the household, aspiring to jobs in male-dominated occupations and sectors, and avoiding early marriage and childbearing so that they can complete their education. Mounting debt and the pandemic have made things worse Prior to the COVID-19 crisis, fiscal pressures were mounting, constraining opportunities to help close gender gaps. The World Bank’s Global Waves report notes that before the pandemic, half of all low-income countries were already in debt distress or at a high risk of it. Since the pandemic began, debt levels in low- and middle-income countries have surged, resulting in many countries facing a reduction in priority expenditures, including programs that support girls’ and women’s empowerment. The COVID-19 crisis has compounded challenges for women and girls', exacerbating barriers to participating in the economy and public life, and intensifying a parallel pandemic of violence against women and girls'. In Latin America and the Caribbean, women are 44 percent more likely than men to lose their jobs, and an estimated 11 million girls' might not return to school due to the COVID-19 pandemic’s disruption. UN Women reports that since the pandemic began, violence against women has intensified. The available data on adolescent girls’ return to school are concerning. A survey of nearly 4,000 adolescents living in urban settlements and rural counties in Kenya found that 16 percent of vulnerable adolescent girls' compared to 8 percent of adolescent boys did not return to school when schools reopened in the country in January 2021. In Bangladesh, 53 percent of girls' reported spending less time on education than before the COVID-19 lockdown, and 93 percent reported more time spent on household chores and childcare. Among girls' who did not return to school, 27 percent reported pregnancy as the reason for not returning. Investing in people offers a way forward Protecting and investing in girls', women, and people of all gender identities will help address these challenges and enable all people to achieve their full potential, building human capital and more inclusive and equitable societies. On average across countries, long-run GDP per capita would be almost 20 percent higher if gender employment gaps were to be closed. Ensuring all people have access to quality education, health services, and safety nets also makes people and societies more resilient to shocks caused by health emergencies, climate change, or economic crises. The urgency of the COVID-19 crisis demands bold solutions, but also presents an unprecedented opportunity to build back stronger, so that gains made in closing gender gaps can be sustained even throughout shocks and crises such as the pandemic. Close attention should be paid to the needs of women and girls' and other gender groups facing multiple forms of disadvantage, including poverty, migrant status, ethnicity, race, disability, and location. Empowering women builds resilience against climate change and displacement/fragility. The effects of climate change and the corresponding changes in national policies and development strategies will affect economic opportunities for both men and women. Engaging women is key to development, including climate action. Women’s leadership and empowerment, in conjunction with girls’ education, family planning, reproductive and sexual health and reduced child marriage, can facilitate the transition to low-carbon economies, help improve resource use, and assist in lowering environmental damage and land fragmentation, as well as increase resilience. Recent research has revealed a strong link between fragility, forced displacement, and gender outcomes. At the end of 2020, there were over 80 million forcibly displaced persons worldwide, doubling from 40 million in 2010. While men and women are impacted differently by conflict and displacement, there is scope to move beyond considerations of gender-based vulnerability toward empowering women and girls' to contribute to increased community resilience. Transformative change toward gender equality, requires a concerted effort. This involves further investments, further changes in law and policies, further interventions to shift social and gender norms, and further audacity to change power relations between men and women. Building on the evidence and the momentum, now is the time to accelerate action towards gender equality – #AccelerateEquality! Last Updated: Feb 18, 2022

Calendar of Events and Products for 2022 Past Events:
14-DecCOP 27: Women and girls are key to effective climate change
13-Dec Unlock Women's Economic Power with Legal IDs
12-DecBoys' education as part of the Global Boyhood Initiative
8-DecPolicy makers working with communities to end gender-based violence - conversations with changemakers
6-8 DecThird WePOWER Conference in Bangkok: Just transition and achieving gender equity in infrastructure and green jobs of the future: Challenges and solutions
7-DecFrom Safety to Empowerment: Pathways for Improved Mobility for Women in South Asia
6-DecHow Governments Can Address Gender-Based Violence in Latin America and the Caribbean in a Post-COVID World
30-NovRoundtable Discussion. Towards Safer Migration: Countering Human Trafficking in an Integrated South Asia
29-Nov Enterprising Women: Toward equal business opportunity in Southeast Asia
17-NovWomen and online learning report in emerging markets: findings for Mexico (in spanish)*
15-17 Nov IEA-UNDP-WBG Conference
14-NovCOP27 gender event
27-OctIndonesia Women in Leadership Series: Childcare event
27-OctDiagnosing Gender Norms in Financial Inclusions - What are we learning
20-OctHow Child Support Policy Can Help Alleviate Poverty
13-OctEmpowering women to unleash green, resilient, and inclusive development: Should development policy be feminist?
23-SepSVRI Forum Event: "From theory to practice in the implementation of GBV prevention programs in Latin America"
14-SepWhat Works for Women: Unpacking Women’s Economic Empowerment Barriers and Opportunities
14-SepIntegrated systems for managing cases of gender-based violence: Experiences from Latin America* (Sistemas integrados de gestión de casos de violencia de género) This event will be held in Spanish with simultaneous English translation
31-AugEnabling Women's Entrepreneurship through Smart Legislative and Policy Reforms (EAP)
21-JulNew Approaches to Closing Finance & Data Gaps for Women-led Businesses
13-JulWho benefits from public spending? The role of public finance in accelerating gender equality
29-Jun How Are Women’s Livelihoods and Financial Needs Changing in a Digitizing Economy?
22-Jun Equality of Opportunity for Sexual and Gender Minorities in South Africa
15-Jun Gender-Smart tools for Agriculture
9-JunFrom Insights to Function: Designing for Women's Financial Inclusion
8-JunGreen Dividends of Inclusive Mobility
8-Jun Gender Inclusion in Emergency and Post-Disaster Recovery Program
6-JunGBV Learning Series #1: Building Global Shared Research Agenda on Violence Against Women
2-JunUFGE Session 3: "Let her Grow: Promoting Women's Economic Empowerment in Rural Areas and Their Engagement in Higher Values Activities"
25-MayWomen's Group in South Asia: Landscape, Impact, and the Future
24-MayUFGE Session 2: "Let her Grow: Policy and programmatic interventions to increase women’s land-ownership and security: What does UFGE research tell us about works and what”
23-MayGender Data for Decision Making
19-MayGearing up to Deliver on the IDA Commitment on Women’s Productive Economic Inclusion
18-MayUFGE Session 1: “Let her Grow: Addressing the productivity gap in agriculture: barriers and promising interventions”
12-MaySARCE Conference | Social Norms & Gender Equality
11-MaySARCE Conference | Social Norms & Gender Equality
10-MayClosing gaps, Increasing Opportunities. Launch of a diagnostic report on Women's Economic Empowerment in Nigeria (recording not available)
3-May Gender Based Violence (GBV) in Disaster Risk Management Programs
22-AprSpring meetings event: Reclaim the Gains: Don’t let COVID-19 turn back progress on the health of women, children and adolescents
21-AprTackling the Root Causes of Women’s Financial Exclusion
7-AprFostering Women’s Leadership and Gender-Transformative Change in Locally Led Climate Action: The Case of the Dedicated Grant Mechanism
6-AprGender, Livelihoods, and Forced Displacement: Compounding Barriers to Work and Opportunities to Compounding Barriers: Access to Economic Opportunities, Gender and Forced Displacement
29-Mar From Data to Design – Translating Statistics into Project Results
29-MarGender Norms and Forced Displacement: Unpacking New Evidence from Colombia and Jordan
28-MarEqual Aqua Forum | Forum
24-MarCSW SIDE EVENT: Female Empowerment and resilience through Legal reform
23-Mar Parliamentary Dialogue Series: Accelerating legal equality for women’s economic inclusion
22-MarCSW SIDE EVENT: Gender Data Gaps in Building Women’s and Girls’ Resilience?
17-MarMeasuring Urban Female Labor Force Participation and Sexual Harassment- Emerging Evidence from Quetta (Baluchistan)
17-MarCSW SIDE EVENT: A virtuous cycle: How clean cooking projects can empower women and help close gender gaps
17-Mar CSW SIDE EVENT: The Gender Dimensions of Forced Displacement: New Evidence to Guide Policy | Presentation
17-MarCSW SIDE EVENT: To Measure is to Know and Act: New Data For Better COVID-Response Solutions for Women Entrepreneurs (Recording link not available)
15-MarCSW SIDE EVENT: Empower to Adapt - Building Women and Girls’ Resilience through Social Protection
14-MarCSW SIDE EVENT: Building Private Sector Resiliency to Market Disruption, with a Focus on West African Traders
10-MarEmpowering women and girls for Ethiopia’s sustainable development
9-MarSeminar on the World Bank's contribution to gender reforms in Benin (in person - Cotonou Benin)
9-MarImpactful women: examining opportunities and constraints for women in mining organizations worldwide
8-Mar Fragility Forum event: Building the Evidence Base on Gender Dimensions of Forced Displacement
8-MarHow Exchanges Can Advance Gender Equality - Report Launch
8-MarMIGA Gender Leadership Awards | (WBLive event)
3-MarGender Smart Investing: Private Sector Approaches to advance Gender Equality
1-MarWomen, Business and the Law global report launch | (WBLive event)
17-FebGender and Multidimensional Poverty in Forced Displacement: Measuring What Matters webinar | (Webinar)
14-FebSetting the Tone for Legal Equality - How the GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) Gender Reforms Sparked a Regional Movement (Recording link not available)
11-FebInternational Day of Women and Girls in Science | (International Day)
10-FebBreaking Barriers: Female Entrepreneurs Who Cross Over to Male-Dominated Sectors | (World Bank Live event)
27-JanGender Dimensions of Forced Displacement | (World Bank Live event)
25-JanWomen’s Economic Empowerment in South Asia (WEESA) Community of Practice | (Webinar)
13-JanGender Equality and Development +10: Looking Back to Spring Forward | (World Bank Live Event)